Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why Does Alabama Have A Number On Their Helmet

- 13 gg Alla partenza!!!

Oggi corsa alle 6...
Stasera palestra con la scheda di pesi per la resistenza...
e poi... gara!!!

Praticamente dovete sapere che in palestra non tutti vanno per rilassarsi, c'è sempre qualcuno che deve rompere le ballos.

Fatta la scheda per aumentare la resistenza del corpo, avevo in programma di fare la solita doccia e poi andare al parco per farmi una bella corsetta.

Non so perchè ma dopo aver fatto i pesi, mentre stavo andando in doccia, ho visto i rollers and I felt like running in the gym. They were all full because at that time and during this period, the gym is full of guys who are preparing for the holidays ... you see I feel the spring ... even the girls feel, I assure you ...

on a roll I noticed there was a lot of big type that I had already seen several times (do not know if you remember but it goes around with the chain from his neck Rottweiler), and so I approached and asked for As far as I still had ... the answer was clear: "both."

Since it is very big, always surrounded by 3 or 4 very nice girls and always angry ... I decided to go take a shower. As I wiped

became a friend of mine, one of them to talk all night because he has always a smile on his face he asked me what I really said to him furious ... not understanding what he meant and requesting an explanation, just told me that I was gone, the humanoid in a loud voice said, "because he believes that going for a jog in the desert that one must leave the rolls?".

now clear ... I do not even remember the last time I raced on a roll but I have passed at least 2 months ... however, even though I was still wet from the shower just half done, I played and I'm back in the room ... I must say that my nice friend asked me if I was crazy ...

Back in room luck would have it the next roll all'umanoide was empty and so ... I went there.

I turned and started to run ... 7 speed, 8 speed, 9 speed, 10 ... At that point I looked at him.

I continued to run at speed 10 for 5 minutes ... and he was already warm followed me quietly, thinking that I am being cold ... In fact, few know that the best heating athletes before a race they do it with a shower ...

However, after 8 minutes and went down at speeds 9 to 8 and then right after he ... sweet, rose to 11 speeds, and then 12 ... At that point I went ... 9 speed, speed 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and I have them watched as he tried to climb ... it lasted 2 minutes and then not had the psychological breakdown (too many muscles).

At that point I wanted to overdo it (braggarts is ok, but every now and let me have fun) I took the roller speed to 9 and I started to increase the slope ... 1%, 2%, 3% ... until the car started to make long beep alarm ... 25% slope (increasing only negative was wrong ... ... the phone resting on the shelf I built has fallen for much too steep).

I took off just a whim: to bring the machine to the maximum of the slope! I've always been afraid to do so, both for the left ankle that is stimulated significantly, but above all perchè è molto faticoso ed è facile dare il giro all'indietro... immaginatevi la figura di m... se fosse successo... in questo periodo ho l'adrenalina a mille, accetterei qualsiasi sfida.

E' una questione di atteggiamento mentale... cercavo fondamentalmente una conferma alla mia preparazione mentale per il deserto e oggi c'è stata l'occasione giusta... un po' mi spiace per il gorilla (a dire il vero neanche un po'...)

Adesso sono mentalmente pronto ed agguerrito... Sahara vengo a prenderti!

Non farmi troppo male però...


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