Thursday, March 11, 2010

Warts On Lips-description

- 20 at the start!

Tonight I received an email from the organization of the Marathon Des Sables, asked me if I wanted to buy for my safety a geo-locator. Virtually

is like a GPS but instead of receive, transmit a signal to a satellite that allows you to draw a map on internet who brings with him at all times ... like what climbers use to be found in case of avalanches. However

first say it is a great race and not worry that the organization รจ delle migliori... poi mi mandano questa mail... ma...

Oggi triplice allenamento:
- corsa con zaino alle 6
- stasera palestra con sessione di resistenza + addominali vari
- sauna per 20 minuti
- poi dopo doccia corsa leggera per altri 40 minuti... poi nuova doccia.

In questo periodo credo di assomigliare ad un bagno schiuma viaggiante...


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