Saturday, October 31, 2009

How Thickis Nj License

bu '!

Smoking Zombie
took me time and soul, then please let this picture fatevela suffice as a post for next week.
and 'I know that and now 'after midnight and we are already' in November.
and no, I do not care that you do not celebrate Halloween because 'is not an Italian feast.
and ', one in the photo is me.
and no, my face is not 'really stripped.
and 'I'm smoking.
and no, I have not stopped.
and ', the photo and' slope.
and no, 'not clear that I took it.
and ', are common with that middle finger raised.
and no, not 'refers to any of you specifically.

(I missed you, even if "you" you are an entity 'abstract and hypothetical that floats through my mind when I write)


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