San Giovanni in Persiceto, Città della Risata, realizza, nell’ambito della tradizione fiera d’autunno, prevista per l’ultima settimana di settembre 2010, una manifestazione sul fumetto denominata Comi C ittà
per valorizzare l’arte del fumetto.
Nel week end della IV domenica di settembre, che quest’anno cade il 24, 25 e 26 settembre 2010 vi sarà la prima edizione di Comi C ittà. Quest’anno è il preludio alle manifestazioni and will start from 2011, celebrating important cartoonists who will be dedicated routes to a new neighborhood. Since the public has known through the famous cartoon television show Supergulp, which was followed by even a magazine, will be staged in collaboration with the Association Gulp Supergulp, from 24 September to 3 October an exhibition entitled
Supergulp the transmission of the legendary TV comic in
the premises of the former hospital in Via Roma in San Giovanni in Persiceto.
In the entrance of the same building there will be an exhibition dedicated to the satirical cartoonist and designer Giorgio Persiceto Franzaroli with opening Friday September 24 at 21.00. The exhibition will run until October 3.
Saturday, September 25, on the porch of the same building, exchange of the cartoon show. In the exhibition hall, in collaboration with the comic Persicetana Fantasy Comics, a comic book show how a table.
Saturday 25 September at 18.00, the town council hall,
Supergulp debate on the legendary TV broadcast of the cartoons in
will be present:
- Guido De Maria, director of the legendary broadcast Supergulp
- Claudio Varetto, responsible del sito www.nickcarter.it e curatore di diverse pubblicazioni sui fumetti in tv
- Alfredo Castelli, il più famoso studioso e sceneggiatore di fumetti, padre di Martin Mystère, nella redazione della rivista Supergulp
- Massimiliamo (Max) Brighel, editor della Panini Comics, che rappresenta in Italia
- Giorgio Franzaroli, fumettista e disegnatore satirico persicetano.
Al termine del dibattito si visiteranno le due mostre.
E’ prevista anche una cartolina ricordo e un annullo filatelico speciale, in addition to the stamp exhibition.
Saturday, September 18, 2010, 16 pm, preview of the event, with the presence of the artist Lucio Parrillo at
Paolo Forni
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