Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Camera Case Too Tight Damage
And here we are.
As the wave and the undertow, your rhythm comes and goes, KAN.
And every time he tosses there is a bit '.
And every time you go fill your pants with sand.
(I should try to improve my similes)
Ordunque, we were left with the tragicomic demise of my phone as frivolous.
Now do this: do not tell you this month ( understood as the month of 120 days) in which we have not heard, but will choose the first thing that comes to mind ( then conceivably the most important ) and I'll get.
mmm ...
Ok, the first thing that comes to mind is a girl who turned me into the guy is talking about in Nutini "Rewind" : I started drinking a pint after the other and I stopped after a month when I finished every single penny in my pocket. So I would say let's talk about other things, that 'I'm chapter of my life is pretty bleak.
And then we say? But
type that I came to medicine.
But like I've stopped smoking.
But like I spent a wonderful summer. But perhaps that kind
finally in December I can go to London. But
cool guy who is the solo CD from Brandon Flowers?
Otherwise I would not know ... proposals?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Pulling Pain In The Knee
Request a free postcard of the event
How Much Clonazepam Is Lethal
the weekend for the Fourth Sunday of September, 24, 25 and 26 September 2010 will be the first edition of Comi C ity. This year is the prelude to the events which will begin from 2011, celebrating important cartoonists who will be dedicated routes to a new neighborhood. As the general public has known through the famous cartoon television show Supergulp, which was followed by even a magazine, will be staged in collaboration with the Association Gulp Supergulp, from 24 September to 3 October an exhibition entitled
Supergulp transmission of the legendary comic book TV
at the premises of the former hospital in Rome, Via San Giovanni in Persiceto.
In the entrance of the same building there will be an exhibition dedicated to the satirical cartoonist and designer Giorgio Persiceto Franzaroli with opening Friday September 24 at 21.00. The exhibition will run until October 3.
The two exhibitions will look the following times: Friday 24 / 9 from 21.00 to 22.00, Saturday 25 / 9 from 10.00 to 23.00, Sunday 26 / 9 from 10.00 to 21.30, from 27 / 9 to 3 / 10 including, from 16.30 to 19.30
Saturday, September 25, on the porch of the same building, exchange show cartoon. In the exhibition hall, in collaboration with the comic Persicetana Fantasy Comics, a comic book show how a table.
Saturday 25 September at 18.00, the town council hall,
Supergulp debate on the legendary TV broadcast of the cartoons in

will be present:
- Guido De Maria, director of the legendary broadcast Supergulp
- Claudio Varetto, www.nickcarter.it site manager and editor of several publications about comics on TV
- Alfredo Castelli, the most famous scholar and writer of comics, father of Martin Mystère, the editorial department Supergulp
- Massimiliano (Max) Brighel, editor of Panini Comics, which is in Italy
- George Franzaroli, satirical cartoonist and illustrator Persiceto
introduces Paolo Forni
After the discussion, we will visit the two exhibits.
E 'will be a souvenir card and a special cancellation stamp, along with a philatelic exhibition on the theme of comics.
Saturday, September 18, 2010, 16 pm, preview of the event, with the presence of the artist Lucio Parrillo at
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Events - Friday, September 24, San Salvatore hallway of the building - at 17 to 21.30 philatelic office of the Italian presence with a special cancellation of '
event - Friday, September 24, hall of the palace San Salvatore - 21.00 Opening of the staff of the satirical cartoonist and designer Giorgio Franzaroli
- Friday, September 24, San Salvatore interior of the building - at 21.10 the opening of the exhibition Supergulp transmission of legendary comics on TV.
- Saturday, September 25, in the portico of the palace San Salvatore - from 9.00 am to 23.00 at the trade show and comic stamp exhibition on the theme of comics at the stand of the Circle Philatelic Numismatic Persicetano;
- Saturday, September 25, San Salvatore in the lobby of the building - from 16,00 the presence of a cartoonist who creates tables, in collaboration with the Fantasy Comics comic books, this same space
- Saturday, September 25, in the boardroom City - 18.00 at the debate on the issue; Supergulp the legendary TV broadcast of the cartoons in
- Saturday, Sept. 25 - at 20 or visit the exhibitions with the protagonists
- until Oct. 3 of a series of exhibitions and personal Supergulp Franzaroli
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Massimiliano (Max) Brighel (1966, Naples). A lover of comic books since childhood, in 1990, after publishing an article on Glamazon fanzine, started working with the agency's services and publishing Granata Press, for which oversees a variety of necklaces and translates between which Justice League, Silver Surfer , Green Arrow, Wolverine and . He then transferred to Urbaniana Perugia Star Comics, for which oversees the translations of the titles Captain America & the Avengers and Spider-Man Classic , which then also write the articles. He also works anthology Star Magazine where it appears his first interview with the author. Since 1994, he worked as an editor with external Panini Comics, Marvel editorial sections for Italy, Planet Manga Comics and Cult. For two consecutive years in 1996 and 1997, won the awards fans as the best editor for readers of the fanzine The Neapolitan Scribble . Among other things, he edited the Italian edition of various Marvel and DC Comics encyclopedia and co-wrote a short story of the Silver Surfer. Has been a consultant on comics for Activision, Upper Deck, the satellite channel, Planet, and the halls of dubbing cartoons Spider-Man, Avengers, Iron Man, Hunter X Hunter and Spider-Man.
Alfredo Castelli (1947, Milan). Is the absolute protagonist of the Italian comic writer, artist, journalist and essayist. In 1965, just eighteen, writes an article about Linus fanzine overseas. In the same year Scheletrino , published as an appendix to Diabolik. In 1966, he founded with Paul Hall, Comics Club 104, the first Italian fanzine about comics. He wrote lyrics for many publishers, including Alpe ( Puppy and Tiramolla ), Universe ( Rocky Rider, El Perito Drita and Little Eva), Mondadori ( Mickey ) and Astorina ( Diabolik ) with whom he collaborated again. With Perogatt (Carlo Peroni) creates Uncle Boris, for the fledgling Horror magazine , which is one of the founders, as well as the magazine Tilt . For Corriere dei Ragazzi is editor and author of Men Against episodes, Cartoon truth, From our time and At the borders of reality, aside from promoting the book Tilt Bonviva and Fagarazzi. He worked for the Newspaper , Supergulp! , Eureka, Magic Boy, the German magazine Zack and French Pif Gadget and Scoop. For
Guido De Maria (1932, Lama Mocogno, Mo). Modena Apennines, he moved to Bologna and devoted himself, during his university studies, the cartoon, published weekly on national and foreign, and then deals with the creation and direction of the true Caroselli and cartoons (remember Brutos and Franco Franchi and Ciccio Ingrassia for
Claudio Varetto (1967, Carpi, Mo). After studying advertising in Milan at the European Institute of Design and Communication Academy (which is one of the students 'founders') in 1989 is a founding member of Varetto & Negrini, advertising and communications agency with offices in Carpi (MO) and Pisogne (BS). Since 2001 he edited, along with the advertising director Guido De Maria, with whom he collaborated on several projects, the site www.nickcarter.it , dedicated to the character created by Bonvi and, of course, De Maria. Since 2004 he is chairman of Federpubblicità Modena and in 2006 he became national vice president. Comics expert, has cared for Salani caskets on "Supergulp" (in 2003, with VHS and DVD in 2007) and Nick Carter (book + DVD in late 2008), is one of the curators of the collection of 16 DVD Supergulp! , released in 2009 with the Official
Paolo Forni (1963, Bologna). Malpighi professor in the institute of St. John Persiceto corresponding Il Resto del Carlino has always been a collector of comics and comic books. For editions Aspasia
George Franzaroli (April 28, 1968, San Giovanni in Persiceto, Bo)
He attended in 1983 during the cartoon "Uncle Feininger " in Bologna with the teaching of Andrea Pazienza and other well-known cartoonists.
In 1989 he approached the world of professional comics working with various publishing houses as a writer of comics for children (among others , Lupo Alberto and Cattivik )
regularly participates in various exhibitions of satire (Forte dei Marmi, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Berlin) and the balloon festival and meetings. In 2009 he was sworn Tanino Vincenzo Cerami, and Liberatore Award Micheluzzi Comicon in Naples.
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Sponsor tecnici della manifestazione:
Circolo Filatelico Numismatico Persicetano
Editoriale Mercury – San Giovanni in Persiceto
Fumetteria Fantasy Comics – San Giovanni in Persiceto
Istituto professionale Marcello Malpighi
Pro Loco – San Giovanni in Persiceto
Tipolitografia FD – Bologna
Associazione Progetto Mercatore - Club Malpighi
Email: clubmalpighi@libero.it
Trombetta and Associates Artanidi
Monday, August 2, 2010
Ottawa Gay Cruising Spots

San Giovanni in Persiceto, Città della Risata, realizza, nell’ambito della tradizione fiera d’autunno, prevista per l’ultima settimana di settembre 2010, una manifestazione sul fumetto denominata Comi C ittà
per valorizzare l’arte del fumetto.
Nel week end della IV domenica di settembre, che quest’anno cade il 24, 25 e 26 settembre 2010 vi sarà la prima edizione di Comi C ittà. Quest’anno è il preludio alle manifestazioni and will start from 2011, celebrating important cartoonists who will be dedicated routes to a new neighborhood. Since the public has known through the famous cartoon television show Supergulp, which was followed by even a magazine, will be staged in collaboration with the Association Gulp Supergulp, from 24 September to 3 October an exhibition entitled
Supergulp the transmission of the legendary TV comic in
the premises of the former hospital in Via Roma in San Giovanni in Persiceto.
In the entrance of the same building there will be an exhibition dedicated to the satirical cartoonist and designer Giorgio Persiceto Franzaroli with opening Friday September 24 at 21.00. The exhibition will run until October 3.
Saturday, September 25, on the porch of the same building, exchange of the cartoon show. In the exhibition hall, in collaboration with the comic Persicetana Fantasy Comics, a comic book show how a table.
Saturday 25 September at 18.00, the town council hall,
Supergulp debate on the legendary TV broadcast of the cartoons in
will be present:
- Guido De Maria, director of the legendary broadcast Supergulp
- Claudio Varetto, responsible del sito www.nickcarter.it e curatore di diverse pubblicazioni sui fumetti in tv
- Alfredo Castelli, il più famoso studioso e sceneggiatore di fumetti, padre di Martin Mystère, nella redazione della rivista Supergulp
- Massimiliamo (Max) Brighel, editor della Panini Comics, che rappresenta in Italia
- Giorgio Franzaroli, fumettista e disegnatore satirico persicetano.
Al termine del dibattito si visiteranno le due mostre.
E’ prevista anche una cartolina ricordo e un annullo filatelico speciale, in addition to the stamp exhibition.
Saturday, September 18, 2010, 16 pm, preview of the event, with the presence of the artist Lucio Parrillo at
Paolo Forni
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What Ever Happened To Soul Train
the room and 'gloomy today.
the sun filters through the heavy dark curtains, and air 's so dense that you can almost' see the silhouettes of slow wave properties.
they all came.
to say who goes and not 'so' as hard as those who remain, I think that is partly true.
maybe at some point you accept it, or maybe just before you give in, relying on the consolation soon to be 'all over. just before you're there, and the next you're gone '. free.
but for those who remain and 'the other way.
one is attached to hope till the last, indeed, not 'rare that the very last second is the most' peaceful, almost as if you give the impression that everything is settled.
then, an instant later, here is a piece of your soul that is detached, leaving just the feeling like a burden, but it 's a bad feeling, a bit' when it comes down like an elevator with a little 'too fast.
here he is at the center of the room, motionless.
he's' gone with a final beep , like in the movies.
we have been through a lot the two of us ... a lot of pictures, lots of messages.
with him listening to "sell out" on the radio in the morning, going to school.
funny how you think of these details stupid, huh? among all, in all these years, remembers a radio in the morning.
or how he could look cool while having so many games that nobody has ever figured out where they were held.
or when it 'fell to the sea, and made us all scared, and instead pulled up and then I had not done anything.
and 'useless to think of it, anyway.
my cell phone and 'gone, and will not return' never again 'back.
the room we all know that in this crazy world that is running a hundred miles an hour there is no 'time to stop and celebrate a fallen comrade, we all know that tonight we will have to find someone to replace him, we all know that life must' to continue as if nothing had happened.
yet, my pockets are inconsolable.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
What Does X99999 Mean
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Ide To Sata Power Adapter Radio Shack
So are you ready? Why was a real adventure.
March 31, 2010 After days of influence, kg lost due to the stomach and sleepless nights due to inflamed kidneys, finally arrives March 31, 2010 at 9. My friend Andrea
rings the phone and finally breathed a sigh of relief, because now it's coming ... I consider him a friend but that day I knew him very little, I just knew that in the two previous days work had been in Switzerland and then in Belgium. And I long for two days, I asked: "But then that is not last and I can not come leave on foot? ".
If I had known then what kind of engineer detailing the case, I slept soundly. One of the men most programs that I have ever known, more than me ... and it's all said.
scarrozza me to the airport of Malpensa Terminal 1 with a 500 Cabrio perfectly polished and there right on time, meet all the other Italians that we will deal with the Marathon Des Sables 2010.
From the first bars of the group is diverse but I understand now that I am a bit 'out of place, all run and run time, all workouts are tough and almost all have done a lot of races, marathons, Iron Man etc.. etc.. There are also
4 women, tells me she has done some forty marathons and Olympic triathlon, then demoralized by my performance I retire with an apology to the bathroom ... I will be the influence that spring.
The plane leaves and I'm sitting next to David and Flavio di Torino ... two veterans of the MDS for the whole trip that pitted me valuable advice. The trip runs smoothly with Andrea dozing and me all increase my concern about what I will face natural.
In a normal trip and my thoughts would go on as it was the hotel, what places I visited ... but for the whole trip and I just always thought: "But I have the balls to to finish this thing? "
Once in Marrakech we immediately bring in a very nice hotel and Turin put all agree to go out to dinner, so as not to risk eating strange things during dinner at the hotel. I am very happy to join in because of my physical problems, of course you decide for a pizza! Baked. Sera
a thousand stories and very good pizza in an Italian restaurant. The first solid food eaten by 7 days.
Andrea and I (now I say fortunately) are staying in the same room even composed of two small rooms, so I decide right away, going to sleep on the couch and leave him in the bedroom, maintain in this way, from my likely to night raids to the bathroom.
The night was eventful ... I pulled the water at least 20 times since the kidneys and made me mad and there was no way of lying, I always walked around the room, walking far and wide. Then I went to the corridors. Slam the door, turn the handle, open the fridge, close the fridge, go to the hall, back in the room ... so I made a mess of noise and I really regret that from the first night I did recognize it as a pain in the ass.
At 5 am exhausted, I took the mattress of the sofa and I leaned to the wall at 45 degrees and I got knocked over in vertical finally his eyes were closed ... after 3 minutes throughout the hotel from the speakers is the Muslim prayer of the game 15 minutes from nightmare ... hello ...
After the prayer Andrea has left the room wondering how it had come the night.
"What how did it go? Have not you heard? I'm sorry I did all that mess ... "
" What a mess? I've heard nothing I slept very well, only now with the time zone instead of the 5.30 are 7.30 and I got a tremendous hunger. "
"Hungry? Did not you hear the prayer in Arabic? ".
"It is the prayer ... by the clothes they are going to make a jog before breakfast. " However
him to make the short run there is really gone.
April 1, 2010
Bus transfer to five hours from Marrakech to Quarzazate, a journey between the mountains and long straights with only four stops.
During the first stop we met in the mountains, a very nice stand, like a nerd outdoor bar with a guy who was 1 euro for a delicious orange juice in hand ... of course I had the stomach to the contrary, and then I decided to drink one (thinking that at least would have made it over.
I think the guy has done at least 40 glasses of juice ... I'm drunk I noticed that my was only 5 glasses and especially as I saw them washing the laundry in the plastic bucket behind the kiosk ...
The second stop was nice, two buses that stop in the middle of nowhere and it all comes down to pee ... everyone looking for a place that is not there, then form a huge semicircle with their backs to the bus and watered the desert ...
In late afternoon we reach the last hotel before the camp proper, decent hotel-style village.
with others in the group just go to the pool to get some 'sunshine and Paul I know them, the athletic and long legs. All
tell that race or that Paul said and done Giro del Monte Bianco, an ultra trail race really hard. The result is that if the first thought to be out of place at that point I was sure.
the evening dinner in the hotel and then to bed ... I must say thank goodness for kidney and therefore less twists and turns in bed (my dinner, however, was based on bread, water and a little more.
April 2, 2010
Transfer for 6 hours by bus to the camp in the desert.
Oram tensions rise and we are all curious to see the field.
When the bus stop on the asphalt realization that from then it would only be natural and we'd left behind civilization, with its paved roads and its amenities. In fact before us there are military trucks with a lot of the Moroccan army soldiers on board, and super fun for us to sign on board. Through clouds of dust lead us to the real field that we see right away in the distance.
immediately realized that the field is set up in fields and that we Italians are housed in the group of tents as far away ... I wonder why? The ground is covered with huge flat stones, to move with the suitcase and its wheels is already a feat in itself. Nobody complained or cursed me, and then adjusting (some part but I curse softly).
The impact of the tent-mates could not be more profitable ... all experts in something, someone in the mountains, some power, some of fire management, etc. who travel. etc.. I just ... magic.
7 components of the tent number 65 are: Paul
the "bat", huge, tall, hairy, experienced skydivers in camouflage, his unit was called the Bats Raiders ", people with expertise in nestle in holes of any kind and wait for the enemy he had passed over and then attack from behind ... he could do everything inside the tent and was always ready for anything.
Richard graduated in food science (or something) and sponsored by Technogym by pithing (in fact had qualsiasi tipo d’integratore), personal trainer, volenteroso di entrare a far parte della squadra del Grande Fratello (beh se non sono strani …) per dimostrare che in Italia i giovani non sono tutti “coglioni”, esperto di qualsiasi tipo di allenamento e aveva già fatto l’Iron Man di Triatlhon che per me era già di per se un sogno …
Rino e Alcide il primo l’ombra del secondo, amici da tempo e veterani della Marathon Des Sables. Entrambi avevano fatto un sacco di gare tra cui diversi Iron Man (tatuati da ogni parte sulla pelle) e soprattutto diverse volte la 100km del Passatore. Una gara micidiale che si svolge ormai da anni in Toscana.
Alcide inoltre era anche un ACCADEMICO (Until that day did not even know existed). ACADEMIC
is the highest honor that the Cai delivery to a mountaineer. It does this in his life when he did something really "beyond". Alcide was for me the embodiment of man facing the desert and how he lit the fire in a tent ... no not lit, wind or sand, there was the fire was insured (for the headlines I could not turn it on Not once in all 10 days even though I had the "meta" camping and well ... you know, 2 lighters are one stone with the camp, but do not spread the word). Beppe
the doctor, a true maverick, always happy e disponibile … un vero medico chirurgo che si è portato nello zaino un pezzo dell’ospedale dove lavorava. Fa parte attivamente dei “Medici Senza Frontiere”, capace di operare a livello medico tranquillamente sul fronte di una guerra e soprattutto capace di stare in una base in Antartide per 12 mesi (6 di luce e 6 di buio) con altri 6 tecnici ed astronomi senza uscire pazzo. Mi ha confidato però che dopo i 12 mesi la prima tappa è stata la Thailandia …
E poi c’era Andrea il corridore, ingegnere, precisino ma totalmente diverso da quello che si può immaginare, un vero patito ed amante della corsa, con lui si riesce a parlare di tutto anche per 24 ore filate … il primo giorno gli altri componenti della tenda non l’hanno capito subito perché appena è arrivato tra gps, cavi, batterie e pannelli solari ha dato l’idea di essere un po’ “patito” e malato di tecnologie … direi quasi invasato … io che avevo avuto la fortuna di aver viaggiato insieme, alloggiato e parlato con lui fin da Torino ne ho però tessuto le doti facilitandogli l’aggregazione con gli altri … Son bastate poi sole 2 tappe per far capire a tutti che era l’unico tra noi che poteva piazzarsi tra i primi e tutti fino alla fine l’hanno incoraggiato ad arrivare tra i primi 50 a livello assoluto. Infatti è poi arrivato 50° !!!
Secondo me se fin dall’inizio avesse spinto even more could have done even better. However, it is rightly party plan without forcing too much, following the advice of either a professional and finally passed to all those great competitors who dared to keep up front. Besides the traveling companion of a magician who could not be a special man ... it helped all of us in all the difficult times, dropping the bags when we arrived stumbled, went to fetch water a bit 'to everyone when our legs did not want to get to know a little ... well a truly great hero / athlete Andrew ... Bravo! It 'was an honor to meet you!
the evening dinner is later proved to be a smudge together with all participants in the 1100 race and I must say that everything was well organized by the great organization of the event. Dinner spartan but very pretty and also well distributed properly.
First night in Berber tents ... a canvas on his head ... and 4 poles in a single carpet placed on the ground on so many stones, with the sides ... just the wind.
April 3, 2010 A day at the field a thousand preparations, it was the day dedicated to the controls.
At 13.30 we finally finished checking the equipment and the part of medical certificates, before we left the bag ... really traumatic concerns with once one thousand I have read everything you need.
The case is numbered with the bib number assigned, then gets rammed into a fence and from there onwards it is only with the bag ... really heavy so packed with everything you need for the next 10 days.
My backpack weighed about 14 kg, and all veterans who passed me by telling me that it might be better to lighten it a bit '... they weighed on average 6 to 8 kg.
And who could help me if I would not go empty? Although it was his first experience in the desert looked like a printed book, knew all the weights needed and knew them by heart broken down by calories of food and other equipment required mandatory ... had also affected the shoelaces.
Another detail of the tent and bit 'of all the participants were all fluent in at least two languages \u200b\u200bother than Italian ... but I have the whole race seemed a mute gesticulating wildly ... and for now I omit the' infirmary, where I gave my best, believe the word.
think that I have in my repertoire, a magic number is completely made up of spells without speaking ... made for all those occasions where the audience is international ... and I must say that it is also functional.
now among the tents of the Italians we knew all, sometimes you could see out the Pro also called Top Runner. There is the tension of the competition aspects of the real competition was all nice ... I have to say ... those who spoke ...
Capibile their situation, all eyes upon them and flash ... looks nice but before a race I learned that extreme is a real mess. I wonder if she still have the race?
In the late afternoon there was a briefing with all participants, where the supreme leader and organizer, father and inventor of the MDS standing on a Land Rover has pitted in French with simultaneous translation into English by a sweet assistant a speech by Ben 1 hour ... I do not know what he said, but they all looked very happy and interested to hear him speak ... I after 5 minutes I turned on the i-pod.
the evening after the last dinner hosted by the organization, under the pretext of reading the hands of the girls (and here the magician has made its way ... finally the field was mine) almost all of us Italians we gathered around a fire to shoot crap ... I was the one who shot the biggest, so everyone had understood that they understood little of the race.
Organizer for Italy was called Paul a true desert dweller lover of camp life and life in general, has participated in more than 20 MDS and has seen all the colors. Milan, precise and very helpful, with a vein of ironic that soon proved to be useful to defuse the most difficult moments. A
that his was not the first fire lit for cooking by the Italians in 20 years. The power of magic and the desire to participate in a dream of the single greatest need to participate in a race in the desert. Let
then 4 young girls and funny and you're done ...
After a couple of hours when we burned all the brush within 1 km ... we all went to bed because the next day was the big day, started the adventure in the desert 250 km outside help alone with your backpack.
April 4, 2010
Leg 1 29 km.
The first thing I heard, getting up at 5 am and going to the bathroom was ... Happy Easter!
In fact it was Easter, I had not noticed but we would be leaving in just a special day.
Small clarification on the so-called "bath", toilet consisted of three holes made with a large drill a side by side, bordered by a white plastic sheet ... served as the drill because the ground was very hard to pierce the ground up that "stayed" the camp was always a stone thousands of years.
Taking into account that the first time I used it, clinging to the curtain side are also able to eradicate it and finish sit with the air ... I understand why many preferred to go 500 meters to irrigate some dune bush or something a bit 'further ...
The first days were 500 meters and then gradually increased the blisters went down ... to become a few meters from the tents of the field and the shame of civilized human beings (including that of women of the court) has gone to bless.
at 5.10 as usual Andrea had his knapsack on his back and ran round to see the set of weights ... I think it was his fault and mine, since I went to the bathroom early that by them a few hours our tent was nicknamed by Pro-tent "hamsters".
The doctor does not know why but this morning launched the catchphrase that accompanied all the alarms for that week: "Women came the grinder."
Yeah I know it was a strange tent.
Alcide a perfect degree, then went at each meal, the fire had already done in a moment (sometimes I even thought he had a gas tank hidden in a backpack) and had created a breakfast from 5-star hotel.
Richard in Big Brother-style instead, every morning I have always seen Christonic with a sleeping bag that did not want to go back in his bag ... and always ended with containment seek the help of the Bat Paul, who not only managed to put it back in his place but he could very well get them into the enterprise in the backpack that was already filled to the maximum ... mysteries of the raiders. Rino
the first morning when I saw him wear the equipment of its sponsor, Biotec ... or something else, it seemed just the man of the future. Suit fitting silver reflecting the rays of the sun and capable of making a solar panel, heat and cool the skin depending on the needs of the moment, nothing short of a real cool!
I then looked Calimero ... totally dress Decathlon with a total expenditure of € 80 not including backpack ... a real animal.
After 20 minutes the first trauma of the day ... the Moroccan organization came to sbrandarci!
Almost had the job to drop the poles and with the grace of an elephant, literally, they removed the tent over our heads, complete with falling snow in style with all the sand accumulated above. Then came back after 15 minutes and remove the carpet, forcing us to place it far better than that on soft stones.
This was because they had to be in a very short time that led them to recall all the curtains and carpets within 1 hour. Then they went about 40 km, to create the new field to the next stage which would have seen it coming from them a few hours. They
we left all the food in more and all the equipment in excess, after several renovations of the pack we were able to hold off.
The Magnificent 7 members of the tent at 8.30 am was 65 at the start punctually.
30-minute sermon that has accompanied every morning and then in French and English before the rifle shot that marked the departure.
Richard's sermon for pity me has translated almost everything but it was better he did not because it was all a set of recommendations on what not to do endless and what to watch. Drink a lot, drink a lot, drink a lot, go slowly and softly rather more slowly because the desert is treacherous, take about 20 tablets of salt a day (we were handed over to flare a package of 100 tablets of salt during the medical check-ups), so do not forget. etc.. and then so many people, a lot of confusion, a lot of tension but also lots of fun and desire to break all the stones of the desert ... so want to run! At that point, Andrea
we untied and we recommended to stop the next field, when he arrived and then ...
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! !
helicopters in flight, thousands of people who work their way through two huge gates formed by two inflatable music of AC / DC with a ball, crying, dust e tantissima adrenalina che fuoriusciva da qualsiasi poro della pelle.
Non mi dimenticherò mai … un sogno durato un anno che si materializzava davanti ai miei occhi e sotto ai miei piedi.
Corro, corro e corro ancora, rilassato come non mai, insieme a mille altri sconosciuti che però sembrano tutti miei fratelli perché nelle loro vene scorre la stessa passione che in quel momento ci accomuna tutti … deserto stiamo arrivando!
Dopo 13 km arrivo quasi senza accorgemene al primo CP.
CP sta per posto di controllo e di ristoro dove un cartellino che ci avevano consegnato all’inizio, veniva sempre bucato, ad indicare che eravamo presenti in gara e non avevamo ne abbandonato, ne “tagliato” route.
I understand now that the water will be a problem, maybe the real problem with this extreme race, is little for what we're used to drink during and after practice every day.
begin to ration always keeping half bottle (actually every CP filled the water bottles and threw the bottle in a basket, being careful not to fall off because it was penalized in that case - all the bottles were numbered with our bib number).
ran half stop drinking very little and the rest of the stage to the needs, so as to arrive at each CP always a bit 'of water in water bottles. This was my salvation, and unfortunately for many the first day of their defeat.
Many have suffered during the stages of dehydration and several have had to resort to a drip. Beppe the doctor in the second stage, for example, has passed bad minutes with bated breath ... or because they could not reach the field and in the evening when we arrived, he had to go straight to the infirmary and yarn. Only after 7 IV has returned to the tent in the morning ... but ... white as a sheet: "Women came the grinder."
Now I can say without a doubt, that the world less evil doctors like him to act as guardian angels. Doctors Without Borders should be proud of have among their ranks a man like him who always works with the spirit of cheerful, holding high the banner of hope.
When I arrive at the camp after the first stage, I did not progress too quickly, give me the 3 bottles of water that will accompany me until the next morning and I headed to my tent.
But I see that now the field is not a lot of people, almost all Pro and a few others when I get in a tent because I only just Andrea and Alcide. They ask me if I did the entire stage and just do not understand the question ... then at night when I go to see the charts I see the 169 spot. Wow I flew. I got the first of many that seemed super prepared and had done a lot of extreme events more than me, this year we are in 1100 in total.
This gives me a charge of bestiality (for a man are things that gasano, women can not understand it is a little 'how we can pee longer than the others ... to honor those who made news in calls for a pee as far as we were kids, I've always done on the shoes) and beginning to think that maybe I can with a little 'chance to stay in the first 300.
Until then, the ranking because I was not interested only and only intended to complete the Marathon Des Sables, I seemed to have a pretty successful business, even hearing all the stories and anecdotes of others nei primi giorni di viaggio, mi era venuta la paura di essere veramente fuori posto e già mi vedevo dopo un paio di tappe riprendere l’aereo per casa. Ma quella sera sono andato a dormire, (si fa per dire perché in 7 giorni se sono riuscito a dormire 10 ore in totale è tanto) contento e speranzoso.
A parte un paio di unghie e 6 o 7 vesciche su tutti e due i piedi ero arrivato 169!
5 Aprile 2010
2° tappa 35,5 km
Tutto rimane invariato, sveglia alle 5 … i criceti si preparano e Andrea è già in piedi con una voglia di correre che fa paura. E’ proprio una gioia per il cuore vederlo contento e pronto a dare il meglio di se. Ieri poi si era piazzato benissimo much below the top 100.
In the tent next to Massimiliano has finished throwing up and after about ten drip is back a bit '. Today the most quiet but always start with a indomitable inner strength.
8.30 am it always starts with the AC / DC with a ball as usual ... the helicopters are "shaved" crazy at our heads and seems to be in Vietnam in the film Apocalypse Now. Everywhere you turn there's a camera or a camera. In Italy there are two accredited photographers, two very good person Luke and Mark. For me who are passionate about photography, it is a pleasure to see them with all that equipment in action, there is to learn a lot!
All previous evening, however, was characterized by the recommendations of the veterans to the stage today, we will cross two mountains, the first a fast ridge during the descent has taken very fast but full of brittle stones and then there ' is the second highest mountain ... or the mountains of the Moroccan desert. Already
from the speeches in the first two days when we were still comfortable at the hotel, sprawled in the pool or on comfy sofas, it was spoken of this mountain. To tell the truth did not worry me too, after living in Turin since childhood has been used to walking in the mountains.
It's called El Jebel Otfal (I hope it is spelled right) is up just over 500 meters, but stands on a giant vertical dune, has slopes of 25% and is totally devoid of roads or trails, the vertical scale in very large boulders and a little 'flaky under the midday sun with a enormous thirst ...
Right from the start as soon as we arrive in, I understand that is to be taken calmly, while today the stage does not go too well, just 10 km after the blisters have started to hurt me from going crazy especially on the soles of the feet and thank goodness that the veterans had been told that it was difficult to precisely those that were formed under the soles of the feet.
the bat Paul joined me and we decided to continue together, I should be just fine because floor when he walks and runs have a very fast pace, can almost 7.1 km per hour to walk, is a true panzer war!
addressed without too many frills on rushing mountain that stands before us. The dune on which it rests is the highest vertical and we have encountered so far and it is difficult to advance because the slope increases continuously and relentlessly.
Paul and I understand that we must be very far away even by the Germans and English, are strong and determined but totally inexperienced in walking in the mountains ... if there is a stone that rests on unstable land is theirs, we immediately put his feet on and threw it back like a dog quando devono coprire le loro buche. Una vera pioggia di meteoriti per chi gli cammina dietro.
Paolo tira qualche bestemmia e io ho paura che come Obelix ne prenda un paio facendoli volare a valle, dopo averli sbatacchiati un po’. Sono sicuro che lo farebbe senza problemi.
Se per caso si cadesse in qualche punto si finirebbe di sotto, scivolando lungo la linea verticale della duna per poi dover risalire tutto da capo. Sarebbe un vero incubo. Ma noi avanziamo passo dopo passo, masso dopo masso e io mi sento un po’ Indiana Jones.
Tra mille rigoli di sudore, con i piedi ormai in fiamme, arriviamo sulla cima. Non tutti ci sono riusciti, qualcuno si è arreso ma nessun è italiano.
Pochi secondi to admire the view and already we throw down below the other side where we find to be very tricky due to that c 'is only a semi rocky path between disunity and intermittent resting on each other.
very different environment I am used to, very friable so paved with rocks that crumble at times, with false floors and sand dotted with protruding spikes. For the ankles is not the best, because at night we are informed that Paul, the organizer has a severely sprained ankle and had to abandon the race (but remained with us all the time and although he says that he is not a weight but rather a pleasure, just for the fact that then divided daily camp life, thank Him for ever).
When we started to climb the mountain we had passed an English or a big man's best athlete award tattooed with symbols of different Iron Man and the spirit really brave. To see him now in a corner sobbing and prepares to fire the signal flare to be coming to take me a little 'capture the spirit and the stomach.
Negative thoughts lasted just because with the passage of time if Paul had already left behind.
Unfortunately, only a few hundred meters down to my race understand that the strongly competitive speaking, it was over ... I felt a strange slip under his feet. The feeling was that the soles of the foot moves backward with each step (perhaps due to the slope) and that I support the weight of the flesh and between stones and spikes tearing me apart the brain from harm. I do not recall similar situations in my life, with a smell of blood in his mouth and thick continuous at every step piercing the brain.
but I do not know how Paul and we arrived at camp after a couple of hours. Taking the waters have dropped all the tension and suddenly I could no longer reach the tent ... if I think about how much profanity I pulled in my mind to the organization that had put the Italians in the bottom of the field to almost 1 km distance from the arrival. I think
Paul has put us 15 minutes to get to the tent, I good 1 hour under a sun
crazy ... When I got to 4 feet Andrea has helped me to release the backpack to the ground and posandomi forced me to sit still for at least one property Sun beds sometimes good. I had a tremendous desire to vomit and also to do the rest, I knew they were the symptoms of dehydration that you take when you least expect it by now but for how bad I was ... I was in a tent in the shade and Andrea was taking care of me, taking off your shoes ...
"Caz ... Massimo feet have been in a crazy! They are not cooked, they are rotten! "
" It does not matter now let me die then we think "
the evening as I said there was much apprehension about the doctor, I had never happened to await the arrival of a companion and not to see him return to camp when he started to get dark ...
We went to remind the 'organization that was missing one of us in tents and I must say to my surprise that they were very organized, could not even contact the ultimate control of CP to know what time had passed before climbing the mountain.
Along the way there was always someone who journeyed to give aid or help, and there in the field with all the equipment they had available in 1 hour the only thing we have been able to say is was: "Sorry but we are organized for 800 participants and not for 1100." True that these two phrases are enough evil to be a rotten apple to spoil a huge structure.
After about 1 hour we gave up and we asked a girl who seemed more awake (really the other to a certain extent, is gone and has not returned) and within 15 minutes we were told that meanwhile we were waiting there, had arrived at the camp and that was under drip into the infirmary.
When we went to see him, there was the impact of the infirmary full of competitors Sun beds on camp beds under drip or blatantly destroyed by fatigue. One thing them all toghether, they were very dirty with all kinds of crap, from earth to vomiting, passing ramshackle and half mesh shoes abandoned near the sun.
In the first 2 days around 80 withdrawals, even among the Italians unfortunately. Few previous year but this year those of the organization were a bit 'wide sleeve of accepting even those who came out of time.
It is rumored that some MDS in 25 years but there was not officially dead if they know anything. I say this because one night an Italian told me that last year a boy died after 1 hour of arrival at one stage and he knew him. Dunno ... do you
By all accounts, however, this year the first stages were the toughest because of the heat, it was very hot even at night and this exhaust a bit 'all in return except for a night, there were the dreaded Desert Storm.
Meanwhile, with all the evil at the foot proven in the stage of that day, I still gained a respectable 232 th place out of 1,000 competitors remained in the race.
April 6, 2010
40 km 3rd stage
And here since the dawn for me, the real trouble started, I could not keep it straight to his feet, to go to the bathroom I put almost 30 minutes to 100 meters and I had serious problems in maintaining the balance within those traps far call that comfortable toilet.
But the morning started with all the attention towards the doctor, a lateral thinking made its way into our eyes: "Today we will be able to finish the stage?" 7 infusions are no joke and his words certainly did not help: "Guys I am a doctor tell me that yesterday the view is really bad .... I was totally dehydrated, I could not swallow even a drop of water and threw up all the time. " But I
I covered with patches again after the eruption of blisters that many carpeted throughout both feet.
More minutes pass and I could not put more upright and today I waited a good 40 miles to travel, almost a marathon.
E 'was hard, it was hard to find the right concentration to switch off the brain. I recalled all the teachings of years in the martial arts events, I called all the thoughts that came to mind, then the thoughts of war, bad ones, the ones that help to protect themselves from the pain that I finally tried it and also those of all the saints who might feel in a country so far. I assure you that for one hour I was sitting with his back leaning against the bag, his head low, remained quiet, alone with my fears.
Then when everyone had taken the starting line, I got up and just trying not to be seen by anyone in those conditions to be idiot I've met. I must say that the brain was able to turn it off and there was only one thought echoed in my mind: I have to run! Absolutely! I can not and must not give up!
Pain, pain, and yet so much pain, every stone seemed to cut the meat of the feet, it was as if I had the shoes are the shoes ... those bastards that I had destroyed my feet.
recommended by the organization's site, almost a diving suit where the sand there is never entered, too bad we do not even entered the air ... shoes and gaiters a explosive mixture to the skin of the feet ... but also did not know the whole camp had prepared his feet with spray and cream hardener. Will be okay for next time.
Now I had other problems, I had to anesthetize the pain that I continually came to mind as I had suggested to Andrew: "Corrici above and you'll see that the pain will turn to how the teeth will be present ... but stable" ... Andrea ... you say that caz Executioner hurts!
The feeling of mental anesthetic came after about 30 minutes and lasted until 1 CP then I had to collapse. Stopping to recharge the bottles legs began to tremble and his feet did not want uncontrolled find out more of moving, I was standing like a fool with a empty bottle in his hand and every move I tried to do, stumbling dangerously here and there. A feeling of helplessness monstrous.
And so I came close to a doctor and asked if everything was ok. "How caz ... want to go?" This was what I wanted to tell him, instead I started to smile creeping feet, first floor and then faster and faster ... luckily the CP was on the sand ... I found a way to go before I disqualified. Many looked forward
me, wondering I'm sure if I'd made him.
the 2nd CP got there almost crawling, Sin had left the sand for long stretches several stony ground that I have inflicted one of those life lessons that I will remember forever ... "Use your mind when the body does not follow you anymore."
Until then, even more terrible in the meetings I had done in the ring I had really realized that that was a truth and how much potential there is in our minds. The mind is a deadly machine, you just know how to drive.
from CP 2 to the end I walked real slow, two steps forward and if there was a turn upward in the soil, I was also a step backwards.
not operated even if the voice and I came out shrill cries continuously at every step or every spike pointing the soles of shoes.
For a small hill about 70 meters went into crisis ... I could not overcome it ... ... What I have suffered three steps, four, and then carried the weight on his heels now, but cut the weight of the backpack I was back and I wanted to cry but I could not because I was desperate to the point that my mind was overwhelmed by impotence.
Then a strange thing happened, I got a English team with a crazy hat between them, the classic Tarzan pet, have approached me and reading my name on the chest have started cheering me on, the Italian was bad desire but the kindness of their hearts was exceptional. But unfortunately I saw the look of one of them who has not left me ... a lot of doubts began to understand the others to continue because it was cooked and finished.
Even Tarzan was persuaded, however, before he left he told me once: "maximum force that is you, is you." I am limited to smile and say, "Quiet that the situation is under control, now go and thank you." I do not think he understood a word but ...
After less than 30 seconds I saw them disappear behind the hill and I felt alone.
As always, the magic is coming in Relief and I do not know why but I've come up with the image of my first Houdini style escape from the chains in public, when my heart was pounding and I was so young and especially crazy!
Caz ... RUN! Exceeds hill is the balls! Want to stop mica beneath hill is the shit ... So I set
found to run to 4 feet and have top of the hill, tumbling across massacred for a good knee and elbow.
dust I lift a lot but really a lot of ground and in the distance, I saw only those 5 guys red, English, not too far away and were advancing together ... another way to make this beautiful race in the desert Call Marathon Des Sables.
Some say it is a really great race because it puts a strain on many days for the mind and body, I do not know if it's the hardest or the most extreme, but one thing I know ... that for some strange reason, a English turned around and saw me on the ground has stopped all the others who went back, because Tarzan did not think twice about it and others had to follow ... as soon as they came close to circle but nobody helped me to get up to ... I think that alone ... in respect of my labor do not know why Tarzan began to sing in perfect Italian From a song: "Dear friend, I write so I get distracted a bit '.... "And he sang all the way down.
When he finished I was already up and ran and crawled and dragged me with all my strength, dirt, cut off from all sides, his body bent and feet destroyed but advanced, I was back on track ... "Come on friends Get out now and go the fuck to make your race before I start crying in front of everyone. " Thanks
English, thanks guys, thanks Tarzan.
When I arrived at the camp, I had cleared the way almost everyone. I learned humility, the real one, the one that wraps you in times of trouble and making you feel you crush a worm ... I I consider myself a winner, always and in every situation, but that situation has been difficult to accept, for me it was a really tough pill to swallow.
the field all evening there was no talk of nothing but the stage the following day .... The race would start from there, the 80 km long section, the longest leg, the one that ends at night, the one that frightens even the most experienced riders.
In fact there are few athletes who can run through all those miles and above are few who can do it at night.
I'm not scared now nothing, then I passed the wall of mental suffering. Strangely, I was so bad and I tried so many emotions all at once, do 40, 50 or 80 km for me were just numbers lined up and of course pain, so much pain to bear. Nothing would stop me.
I knew that for reasons of cost and especially time I was not allowed to give or think of returning for another year to try again, was out of his own. Or is there now or I could not have had one more opportunity.
Once before, when I had run from Turin to Savona had felt the thrill of racing after a long day for all notte.Chiaramente one thing is running into the street and one thing is that before me lay ahead. Many
mated or even were put into groups to tackle the 80 km better but I knew I had to stay alone, has always been my destiny, all the things I did in my life, needless to escape and then who else could run and walk to my rhythm?
I made a strategy, because at that point I had reached the previous stage between 400 and 500 credits. I never went to see and respect for no one ever came to tell me. However, I had come to suck.
My strategy was to try and get to the weekend under 500. Even I had to crawl to get under 500 because for me and my pride was an acceptable result since I had not ... feet.
Strategy which I thought was to start a rocket fast as I could and try to achieve the second CP running at that point then I would be as advanced as I could, even at 4 feet if need be and when I would arrive at different CP while the others would rested for the long section required it, I would not be stopped and I continued to advance, without pausing, catching positions.
Yeah I know it was a strategy, however, the chip only infuses the right determination.
April 7, 2010
4th stage 82.2 km
The morning sermon was longer than usual and recommendations for the way they wasted but now I was again off the brain and my mind was closed like a clam in the protection GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ready to explode!
Evil, evil, evil is still evil, pain from rotting meat now racing days ... the smell of blood in my mouth from the first steps, a single thought: "And as we came running to the 2nd CP?"
fact the strategy went to grind against the 1st CP, then fog, the smell of blood, strips of feet shorter and shorter distance and pain, pain and more pain.
The hours passed in a thousand fantastic landscapes that I had the head to appreciate, dunes, rocks, camels, hot pads and lots of salt with the fear of collapsing exhausted in the heat at any moment.
The ground was a worry in my mind that was constantly focused in seeking a softer, without stones or without bumps of sand that I would have slowed down.
That day was the longest, I thought it would be coming up constantly at night with its many problems and its many pitfalls and then let's face it well: "Who the hell has never raced at night in the desert? Alone for more, with feet worn and bloodied. "
The night was swift and soon one of the CP I handed the rod to be tied behind the back pack to make light, just missing the fall of darkness. It is because in the desert night falls, the falls in total darkness, which noi non siamo abituati perché nelle nostre città una luce anche e solo di riflesso si trova sempre a farci compagnia.
Obbligatorio che ogni concorrente indossasse la luce da minatore frontalmente sulla fronte e mettesse bene in evidenza accendendola (in realtà la barretta si piega per accenderla) la luce sulla parte posteriore dello zaino.
Io al controllo la barretta luminosa quando me l’avevano consegnata, non so perché l’avevo per comodità, inserita dentro lo zaino, con l’intenzione al primo buio di estrarla e di accenderla.
Il problema fu che quando scese il buio non ero più in condizione di togliere lo zaino per prenderla. Se avessi tolto lo zaino mi sarei accasciato sfinito on the ground. I was also realizing that I had never stopped since the morning.
John came to my rescue an Italian who saw me to crawl and stagger asked me if I needed help. And that I needed, I needed to take me by the one back pocket of the backpack, the light bar and stares at me in some way on, somewhere in plain sight.
John made himself available but had to give up after 3 attempts, was not in condition to be able to "see" the zipper pocket ... thank goodness I was not the only one with problems at the time.
We said goodbye and John continued his run.
After about 30 minutes came Massimiliano e lì mi sentii più rincuorato perché sembrava essere in forma migliore … cambiai idea quando mi disse che purtroppo non ci riusciva neppure lui ad estrarre la barretta luminosa.
Disse che si era incastrata tra le mutande pulite di ricambio e che siccome aveva l’Aulin in corpo, prima che il suo effetto svanisse, voleva fare ancora qualche km … capì la sua situazione, quando il dolore non c’è e puoi correre, devi correre.
La situazione però a quel punto era diventata grottesca, il buio ormai era calato totalmente e a parte la luce sulla fronte che attirava ogni sorte di moscerini che facevano a gara per infilarsi nel mio naso, in bocca e nelle mie orecchie da dietro non risultavo visible to no one and had it passed an audit by the organization, they could, even after all those efforts, and rightly disqualified.
But after just 20 minutes that Paul came to the pool in the second hotel had told him that he had two injections directly into the soothing lap of the Tour of Mont Blanc but it can end.
In less than a minute and light drew his finger after it turned on me and put it back in a visible position on the backpack. After a while we joined together for the next CP where I collapsed, in spite of myself on the ground.
Everywhere I turned I saw that altered competitors ate, slept or medicine. Now under the tents there was a hole for anyone. Then a voice in the darkness of the CP: "Italians! Italian where you are? "Richard was with three others of his group had reached me, well if I had reached only in the evening, it was good. I'm back.
Riccardo seeing groan in pain, slumped to the ground, he advised me to eat something. Ah, yes the food, I had to eat constantly to not lose strength until early morning.
So taken, rolling on the ground like a sausage on the grill, from inside the backpack Parmigiano that just opened the envelope he thought good to jump out and end up directly in the sand is completely submerged. But ... a
good wash with water from the bottle away in your mouth ... what a pain! My mouth was full of cuts and fevers on many lips. Eating the cheese was like eating a greasy sponge, a real crap.
I aggregai group after about 10 minutes Richard but unfortunately my pace was much slower than the other and after few minutes I found myself alone again, knowing that a little while I waited for the dunes, the highs, the highest until then.
Apart from the strange animals that inhabit the night in the desert, the encounter with the scorpion attracted by the light of the headlamp was really exciting, feet or no feet I ran until I saw him more ...
Then at some point before my eyes an enormous, black as death, stood before.
was a high dune, it took me over 30 minutes to reach the top, I climbed more and more grew steep and the sand gave way to more and more under my weight, I could not stand up, then I helped with the nearly empty water bottles to make mass and grip on the sand. He climbed until he felt a cold breeze in your face slam, I was at the top, over the top ... and suddenly I realized that I was doing own goal alone.
fact, the rear weight of the backpack and my position totally biased forward, I brought down the other hand down the other side ... ruzzolai to the end and when I stopped I immediately realized what I was idiot but especially in bad situation that I was fired.
I had no hand in the water bottles, but even worse was the fact that I no longer had the front light. Falling I was blown away by the front and ended up somewhere.
Think, think, Massimo stay shiny thoughts ... nothing! Keep the gap, act!
serves light, light bulb ... stock Decathlon, which is charged by the little hand, where is it? Back pocket. Here it is, I open the zip, that's the lamp, the light is turned on .... In a few minutes
the bottles were found and I found myself going up the light in front, luckily she turned to the contrary in the sand but had not turned off.
again after swearing a lot when I arrived at the top I looked good and keep the body upright. I started at 4 feet and sliding on the ridge for a hundred yards, I was taken to a point where the dune allowed to stand and so I went towards the light signals placed along the path from the organization. Other
8 km of dunes and then another PC with the usual situation, but with many more people that it was going to spend the night in a safe before leaving.
My strategy was taking effect, as I went up, as strip with rotting feet, not stopping to CP, regaining ground.
By now I was exhausted but I was happy hour in the sky by now had I saw that the laser beam like a comet, indicates the direction to follow to reach the camp.
And we arrived at the camp.
now I could not raise the feet, even if I wanted, it was 6.30 when I passed the barrier and one of the few cheers of the present organization and the dawn now submitted, I just had a thought ... go to the infirmary to treat me.
front of the infirmary there were only two people, usually the tail was at least 30/50 of competitors. A doctor gave me the ticket with the number 73 and I immediately asked him where were the other 70. He smiled and confirmed that we were the first 3 and that unfortunately the infirmary opened at 7 o'clock.
I did not care. By now I had arrived. Soon after I collapsed, almost lifeless on the ground and I fell asleep.
But as in the best traditions in which the health misfires ... at 7 o'clock a doctor opened the medical tent, there were already 40 people waiting and began to distribute tickets with # 1. Me and English and she protested in a perfect "Scazzi" morning after sleepless night we took our ticket and there tore them, then in French, he explained not such as cabbage and only gave us two new ticket number 37 and 38, the other that we had been given previously, with the new round were worth.
Ok, I had certainly done 82 km with great difficulty to go to prison for murder, and so I decided to go in a tent, throwing the useless
ticket number 38 ... I went to the medical tent for lunch where I met a doctor who loves Julien music when he saw my feet made a face of disgust and prepared the infusion had decided to operate ... and end there at that precise moment my race, forcing me to retire.
"No Julien redo everything you've got to get back on my feet, do not disconnect your feet up and rimettimi Enough! And out of your head to give me different anesthesia or IV of any kind. Rimettimi up to the well better than that. "
I must say that he started to laugh, I had just convinced not to remove the entire sole of the foot work is perhaps he had also come up with an idea.
If you want to tell you the idea that came to mind but be careful that I do not feel responsible for your stomach ... I almost put in the pockets formed between the soles of the feet and the meat in a mildly hot liquid that has disinfected and all healed. The drawback was that it would take about 50 minutes the next day under the pressure of the race I expected, then the gauze soaked oil, would crumble under an explosion of bubbles of pus and blood that would be formed with bumps during the stage.
He "worked" down to 1.30 h then she stuffed with painkillers during the night ... I had already taken unnecessarily Aulin 2, 2 paracetamol, 1 Toradol and a sachet donated by a French which soothing I do not know if I did not die in that circumstance, maybe it was just my time ...
The day we passed under the tent to talk and stay warm with a haunting, while gradually returning all competitors, including the doctor.
April 9, 2010
5th stage 42.2 km
A classic marathon pity that we were run on a land so wild and rugged but now all we left with the knowledge that the day waiting for us, was the turning point, the latest effort. If today we were able to get to the final field as well there were only 20 km the next day and then ... it was all over.
The bandages and the work he had done was giving Julien perfectly, I could run, very softly, almost in place for about 1 hour but it seemed to me to be myself in the race normally.
s'infranse The dream now only a few hundred meters before the first CP, when we started running up a stony rather hard and angular. As I had suggested Julien, he heard a set of bubbles explode at my feet, then a series of dense and painful ... then fire the gauze were gone their own way.
be honest from then I do not remember much, only one thing I remember very well, at one point I walked very slowly and passed me an Englishwoman who had a couple of very short shorts and walked almost to my speed, But more than me, had your ass off ... well I just woke up the senses.
With unprecedented efforts have increased the pace and I was behind at least 10 minutes for good then I do not know why he started to run, just when the ground was undulating and began to be re-covered with boulders of all size.
3, 2, a mound of 30 cm and boom! I fell to the ground tumbling. Here is my wife having had a hand in the distance. The inglesina turn promptly asked if I needed help, but the spirit of Italian fortunately won the day.
"No problem! No problem! Quiet. "
She is gone ... and I remain Sun beds with foaming at the mouth, full of scratches and covered with sand and dirt ... a truly disgusting. A figure of m ...
Other than that I do not remember marathon.
When I arrived at the camp I again rushed to the infirmary by Julien at that point had to do it all again ... for another 2 hours.
April 10, 2010
6th leg 21.1 km
The final stage.
one where for the last time I heard the doctor, wake up with "Women came the grinder."
one where we all rooted for Andrea and for his 50 th place which promised us the night before.
one for which the Bat Paolone, had already prepared the tears.
where two empty seats That weighed on the hearts of us all, Alcide and his lifelong friend Rino had retreated for days.
one where Richard advised everyone to go slowly, very slowly because it was not over yet. That
in cui un mago con la magia della mente era riuscito ad arrivare fino a lì.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO e che sia per l’ultima volta!
Il traguardo è dietro quella duna.
Massimo c’è l’hai fatta!
Guarda c’è Luca il fotografo che vedendoti arrivare barcollando, decide di lasciar perdere le foto e ti accompagna fino quasi al traguardo.
L’ultima collina, in cima c’è molta gente che applaude ed incita chi passa ma quando ti vedono arrivare, si ammutoliscono e tu ti domandi perché?
“Hei gente barcollo, mi trascino ma sto bene, sono only the feet, then nothing for me screaming? "
And the roar comes on strong, accurate, stronger than you hoped and the hill descent and appears to be a children's hands are stretched into a five, tiring but liberating.
But look who's there before me. There is the English side of Tarzan, from which I make a surprise arrival and reach but after a few steps from the finish I slow down, they are all holding hands and their time, they made the whole set and it is right that the quit all 'together with each other.
I have my destiny, I open my arms and 2 cards ... I look like I had promised to do, if there is I had done.
And there I did it! I wonder if any camera I took over, we would be well on my site.
I crossed the line and now the Spaniards turn to greet the dunes, then I find myself in front of them see me for a moment and realize that I have achieved and then I submerge, what would shake his head, still little 'hood to the ground by me cognizance.
Tarzan yells happy to see me, "Max you made it there, good, I knew we'd be successful."
C'infilano medal, weighing, press upon us from behind, others have now arrived and we head to take the last bottle of water.
After an hour of quiet in which I changed, cleaned as best I could, I expect the bus to travel to the hotel 4 hours of Quarzazate.
But first gift my water bottles and my fanny pack for those who need it most to me. Children are so many, all poor and ask for everything. I am also leaving the clothes and the ones I used were still in the backpack, you just know, but now they are back in civilization who tries already wrapped up and get over his arms.
The suitcase in the hotel when I arrive in the evening. Room marks the passing of Andrea.
stairs to get to the room were deadly but the feeling of hot water is wonderful ... Go with the bubble bath and ... caz. Burn, burn the soles of your feet! I cling to fly to the tent to keep from falling out of the bathroom that inevitably comes out of his seat ... I thought if I could feel comfortable 5 minutes.
go down for dinner after 3 showers and made them shut with their feet in two plastic grocery bags.
Find all but where is Andrew, where is it? Here he comes towards me, smiling, I knew we would be able, in the championship came 50 th. I'm really happy for him, a great man, a great athlete, a great friend, someone who loves racing and life! At the table I
strafogo everything and more with Richard that I recommend continuamente di andarci piano con il cibo, è laureato in scienza dell’alimentazione …
Paolone ha ancora gli occhi lucidi perché all’arrivo c’erano i suoi figli e la moglie. Se li è portati giù e il traguardo l’ha tagliato con i suoi piccoli.
Il dottore è bellissimo, sorride, si è rasato e non sembra nemmeno più lui, è raggiante. Forse adesso un’operazione, mi fiderei a farmela fare anche da lui.
Il giorno dopo io ed Andrea ci svegliamo come si svegliano i … criceti … alle 5, come sempre.
11 Aprile 2010
Il giorno delle premiazioni.
Scendiamo a far colazione e troviamo all others, there are also girls, well cleaned are very young and cute.
Then I go to another hotel where I finally showed he had set up the field hospital and after 1 hour of waiting I see Julien smiling, left the patient who was treated and rushed to hug me.
congratulated me, maybe it's the only one who can imagine what I suffered.
appearance that is free and does not want it to go to any other doctor, now the link between my feet and his hands are strong, I also spend four people just to be able to operate on him.
"It Julien, without anesthesia, the anesthesia is to be fags."
Caz ... maybe a little bit ... but I
operator removes the front foot plants, with a hot iron cleans the holes that have formed and then with a glowing blue liquid or at least to me at this point looks blue to me heals everything.
medical course I'll lose the 6 claws and innumerable cuts on his heels, I've walked on moving the weight for a week, I could not do anything.
Then when I get up I can not even after many attempts, so Julien goes out and comes back after a few minutes with a pair of crutches, gives me.
We say goodbye for the last time and go out.
Esco, the air of the street is good for me, helps me not to faint, head slowly stops spinning, I'm going to the party at the hotel next door, where I find all the others who just see me start to tease me in every way for the crutches, but then I wear a Coca Cola ice, that goodness guys.
After a while, 'I decided to go to my hotel to rest so as to prepare for the awards ceremony in the afternoon.
Just go out I see a Japanese 4 feet that is going to the clinic, he has had worse than me, so I give him crutches ... I pray that surrendered to Julien, I hope well ...
4 steps to my hotel and passes an 'ambulance doctors of the race: "Go to the hotel? Want a ride? "
What can I say ... God is!
Awards Ceremony in the afternoon in the sun and last dinner with all the Italians, the great fuck you up late, then sleep because the air is ... at 4 am, woke up at 3.
April 12, 2010 The plane takes us along with a flight to Marrakech and then from there, another plane takes us to Italy in Milan Malpensa.
Hugs, the usual cries of farewell, the usual exchange of addresses, from which we write, but now we all know, we're already far away and even though we do not want, cell phones bring us inexorably to our reality and desert wind does not blow over already ...
Massimo Rossi